Today’s Myth suggests that Christians should never question the Bible. You may recall that I dealt with aspects of this myth in a previous post, but I thought it worth restating here alongside some new content. What is meant by questioning the Bible? When Christian leaders and others claim that “Christians should never questionRead more
Trusting God is such a huge topic with multiple intersections with other spiritual faith and Bible topics. I do not claim to have it all figured out. What I do offer here in this post are some starting points that may help shape the conversation in a constructive way. How Myth 5 is supposedRead more
At this point in the 10 Bible Myth series, someone who still believes in Biblical inerrancy may feel compelled to say, “Well Peter, if you begin questioning the Bible and Biblical inerrancy, where does it stop? It’s just a matter of time before you start compromising on other things in the Bible until there’s nothingRead more
So the originals are inspired, but not the copies? The theory goes something like this. Long ago, God inspired the writing of the original documents (also called autographs) of the Bible. Meaning, copies (also called manuscripts) of those original documents are not what God inspired. It was the original documents only. The problem is thatRead more
Is that true? Are there no contradictions in the Bible? For most Christians who grew up with the Biblical inerrancy view, they were taught that none of the books of the Bible have errors or contradictions. None. Apparent contradictions are not real; they only seem like contradictions. Conveniently, there’s always a good reason for them that canRead more
In other words, for any of the Bible to be true and without error, all of the Bible must be true and without error. For many Christians, this assumption is attached to what is called the doctrine of Biblical inspiration. This view assumes that God led holy men in the distant past to writeRead more
Have you ever wondered if the assumptions you’ve had about the Bible don’t really match with how you approach any other topic in life? Maybe they’re a bit outdated? Perhaps even unethical and unhealthy to cling to any longer? In today’s post, I want to present 10 myths about the Bible that many ChristiansRead more
If you’ve been around Christianity for any amount of time, you’ve likely